General Information
On-Line Travel Guide
Frommers British Virgin Islands
Compare All BVI Ferries and Schedules
Fast Ferry (St
Thomas to Tortola)
Smith’s Ferry (St
Thomas to Tortola)
Native Son Ferry (St
Thomas to Tortola)
Interisland Ferry
(Tortola to St John)
(Tortola to Virgin Gorda)
Water Taxi
Selected Tortola Hotels
Island Guest House (B&B near airport and Trellis Bay dock)
Hummingbird House
B&B, Road Town, Tortola
Maria’s by the Sea, Road
Town, Tortola
Tortola Taxi’s
David’s Taxi Service
(Call: 284-496-6018)
Trellis Bay Cyber Café
(Restaurant near airport and Trellis Bay dock)
Virgin Islands Search and Rescue (VISAR)
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